Last December, I brought my Tricopter V2.5 for a hike at the Allos lake (in southeastern France). The lake was frozen, it was the perfect spot to get some aerial footage with the tricopter. Flying in immersion with FPV goggles, and enjoying the view over the lake, surrounded by mountains, was really a nice experience!
Flight setup:
- Frame: Tricopter V3 kit from RCExplorer and 3D printed landing gears
- Flight Controller: Quanton (similar to the OpenPilot Revolution board)
- Motors: T-Motor MT2216-12 V2 800KV
- ESC: T-Motor 30A
- Props: APC Slow Fly 10x4.7
- Battery: Zippy 4S 3000mAh 20C
- RC: Graupner MX-16 HoTT
- Video TX: ImmersionRC 5.8Ghz
- FPV Goggles: Fatshark Attitude V2
- Camera: GoPro 3 Black
The image isn't perfectly stable because the gimbal (the Walkera G-2D) wasn't working that day. The roll motor wasn't functioning due to a contact failure. I had to remove the gimbal and tape the GoPro directly under the battery tray.

This is what the tricopter looked like during the flight.
Fortunately, there was no wind and the drone was pretty stable. In the video, there are no Jello effect thanks to the props which have been carefully balanced. I also slightly stabilized the video in post processing, using the Adobe Premiere Pro Warp Stabilizer.